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Sunday, January 1, 2012

9/11 to 31/11 Dollar is back in the Game

It was 9/11 when the US empire was shot in the knee, and was made to bend forward in pain. The financial world responded with awe and disdain. The markets collapsed and FED under Greenspan responded with great strike. The Incident followed with Bush's attack on Iraq under the false allegation and deceit of Chemical warfare. The Iraq war destabilised the US more than it helped. The dollar fell.The deficit soared and economy perplexed and succumbed in 2008.

President Obama took it with All the Big Promise than ever before. But the Dollar continued its weakness. Bernanke marshalling FED threw the money from the Helicopter on the terraces of the Big banks and some fell down on the wall street. Dollar weakened more.
Many doubted the validity of Dollar to remain ' Reserve Currency'. I.D R. were brought from the shelf of I.M.F. The Gold Rallied as if America was submerging in Pacific. Many took the shelter in other precious metals and China's Renminbi was seen the future of the world currency. The value lies in the perception.

The Failure of US government to sort out dead lock with opposition and its political weakness to rule the country, on its own terms saw the typical democratic impasse. The S& P down graded the US and its army of Merchant Bankers, funds and so on. Apparently, it was a scratch on the Surface.

The seizure and execution of Osama Bin Laden, the ouster and killing of die hard Libyan leader Col. Gaddafi. backed up the political and military might of US. Thus, Dollar got its physical support. The European economic crisis slammed on the face of Euro as an alternative currency, replacing dollar. and Thirdly, the exit from Iraq, will now further back up drain US exchequer.

From 9/11 to 31/11, Dollar has moved the cycle of weakness and withstood the doubters.

The beginning of this New Year dollar has re-established and enshrined to currency of this decade.

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