1) Fall of Technology rally in 2000-2001.

2) 9/11 Attack, put the hammer in the wheel. The markets drowned, US Confidence fell.( 2001).
3) The Easing Policy adopted By Dr Alan Greenspan, and Lowering interest rates to Low. Allowing several concessions ( 2001-2003 ).

4) Bush Tax Cuts,for adding impetus to Sluggish Economy.
5) Iraq attack sowed the seeds of Middle east Perturbation and rise in crude Oil, Gold
5) The acts were replicated across the Globe by many central bankers.
6) The easy money turned into reckless Lending like Sub-Prime Housing Crisis and Easy Lending Across the Smaller European Countries.
All this factors contributed in Distortion in Value of Houses, commodities and other Investment.
7) Total failure of Credit Market in US and Europe.Which culminated into Lehman Crisis,Housing Market Crash and Ultimately Banking and Housing finance Companies into Bankruptcy.
8) The Central Bankers and Governmental Agencies flooded the Market with Money. And, supported this
' Too, Big To Fail' errand Bankers, Housing and Insurance Companies. Thus ' Surreptitious' and Bad Debts were now taken into books of Government.
9) Dr Bernanke, true to his theory of ' Dropping' Cash from the Helicopter swung into the war. US rates were near Zero. He then opened Money bags by starting ' Accommodative Policy' of Buying Back its own securities, known as QE-2.
10) While, E.C.B. is now dealing with its own sub Prime in Greece, Spain and Portugal...
11) In Last 10 years, the US Debt has risen 4 times to above $14 trillion and the Huge Gap is again open for more money, i.e. More Debts. But, Now the 10 Year and 5 Year bonds are maturing and need to paid and The Bush tax Cuts have expired long back, but US tax structure remains in spite of Dodd-Frank Act
Now, the Debate and Fight is,' who will Pay back US Debts' now ????
Will it be, by common Man, reeling under unemployment, housing collapse and (transitory) Inflation
Will it be by taxing the Efficiently Run US companies ...?
But, Why not the those Financial Engineering, Reckless and Stupid Bankers on Wall Street, Who are devoid of economic logic and Financial Discipline ..?
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